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The Builder Nuggets Podcast

Oct 26, 2021

You don’t just walk away from your business...or at least you shouldn’t. You need to have a solid foundation in place so that the right people can step in and lead to your successful exit.

Show highlights include:

  • The psychologist’s secret for contractors that revolutionizes your business and adds zero’s to...

Oct 19, 2021

In this episode we dive into the power of having someone like a fractional CFO (and fractional other titles for that matter) that can help you propel your business forward. Guest Michael Stier is an area President for FocusCFO of the Carolinas. FocusCFO is the leading onsite CFO services provider in the Southeast and...

Oct 12, 2021

Business owners across all industries are struggling to find talented people. Why is this? You have to take a look at yourself first and ask what makes you attractive to the workforce?

Show highlights include:

  • Why treating recruitment as a business development function helps you attract unicorn talent to your team with...

Oct 5, 2021

The success, or failure, of any organization depends on its ability to meet the challenges presented by growth and change, and to make healthy transitions from one stage of development to the next. But in order to do this you need to know where your business is in the business lifecycle?

Show highlights include:

  • One of...