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The Builder Nuggets Podcast

Jan 26, 2021

Life goes by faster than you expect it to. If you don’t live intentionally, you’ll regret all the things you missed out on. 

A life plan helps you avoid regret. Better still, your life plan also helps you create the business you’ve always wanted.

In this episode, award-winning remodeler Steve Barkhouse joins us...

Jan 19, 2021

You started your business because you’re the best at what you do. Even if you have a team, you’re probably still the best at most tasks in that business.

But if you spend time doing things that don’t directly grow your business, you’re wasting time. Worse, you’re setting up your business to fail.

You have to...

Jan 12, 2021

Many builders and remodelers start their own company because they’re good at what they do. It makes perfect sense… until you realize everything involved in running a business.

There aren’t enough hours in a day, and you find yourself completely overwhelmed as the business descends into chaos. Your dream has become...

Jan 4, 2021

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely and difficult journey. But it doesn't have to be!

The Builder Nuggets community is composed of successful industry leaders like yourself. Award winning builders, remodelers, business coaches, industry experts, and fellow podcasters have come together to share their secrets of success....