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The Builder Nuggets Podcast

Jun 28, 2022

When it comes to the economy you need to block out the noise and don’t be swayed by over-hyped headlines. Make your decisions based on data. Economic forecasting, using leading indicators, will better position your business to thrive over the next decade.

Show Highlights Include:

  • A peaking inflation rate could come...

Jun 21, 2022

Homeowners go through an emotional roller coaster while their home is being built or renovated. 

It’s easy to see why.  Their normal lives get turned upside down from the chaos of construction 

When things go sideways, clients want to blame someone for their discomfort. And when that happens, you have to know how...

Jun 14, 2022

As builders, we pride ourselves on doing good work for our community. We build the places that raise families, foster small businesses and enrich the lives of those around us. That’s why we invest in equipment that gets the job done right.

That’s why it’s so bad when equipment gets stolen. It’s unfortunate, but...

Jun 7, 2022

Our guest on this episode started out as a bricklayer from London, England. Learn how he developed a mindset, habits, systems, and relationships that have got him into some of the world’s most exclusive circles. 

Show highlights include:

  • How to attract wealthy, hassle-free clients by pushing 90% of your prospects...