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The Builder Nuggets Podcast

Nov 1, 2022

**Trigger Warning** This piece briefly discusses suicide and suicidal ideation, and some people might find it disturbing. If you or someone you know is suicidal, please, contact your physician, go to your local ER, or call the suicide prevention hotline in your country. More resources are available below.


If you're trying to get from Point A to Point B you need a map and a compass. If Point A is where you are now in your career, your relationships, and your happiness and Point B is where you want to be, then a Coach and Leadership Trainer are the map and compass you need to help you get from one to the other. Our guest today coaches others on how to live life on the offense. Jay Tiegs has traveled his own bumpy road, and through investing in his personal development he's learned to evolve and grow into the coach he is today. Fundamental change starts by fundamentally changing everything around you. The first step is often investing in yourself.

Show highlights include:


  • 9:46 In order to grow I had to get out of my comfort zone
  • 11:31 Maintaining a work/life balance in a chaotic environment is very difficult
  • 14:02 Success does not equal happiness
  • 15:19 Personal growth and coaching ultimately changed my life
  • 18:30 If you have financial freedom you have more choices and more options
  • 18:56: Big achievers get a lot of things done but high performance is getting a lot of things done without sacrificing your health and your relationships
  • 20:17 The family board room concept
  • 25:25 A mastermind group helps shorten the learning curve significantly
  • 26:13 Every dollar that I have invested in my personal growth and development I have gained it back tenfold


You can learn more about Jay Tiegs at and Do Hard Things Apparel.

Or hit us through our Contact Page at and we’ll make a personal introduction.  


If you or someone you know is dealing with suicidal ideation, please visit The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by dialing 988, or message the Crisis Text Line at 741741. Both programs provide free, confidential support 24/7. More resources can be found at Lifeline ( and SAMHSA.

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